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Wild moment giraffe snatches toddler from car


A father has recalled the heart-stopping moment his two-year-old daughter was lifted into the air by a giraffe at a safari park in Texas. Read more:


How Fashion Found Its Sense Of Humour


In a sharp reaction to the stealth wealth of quiet luxury, the industry is embracing levity and wit for the new season.


Greece travel warning as UK tourists face £850 fine for breaking beach rule

Birmingham Live

British holidaymakers have been warned about the fine


The battle for a rail link to Melbourne airport has turned nasty as the state government and airport management trade jabs

ABC News

The fight for a rail link to Melbourne Airport has been going for 60 years. With the state government struggling for funds and an operator unwilling to budget, the saga looks to drag on into the next decade.


'We wanted an inviting, relaxed and different garden'

Ideal Home

This unruly suburban plot has been transformed into a lush, multi-use, Moroccan-inspired oasis


Is No Mow May worth it? What I learned from taking part

Tom's Guide

What I found out when I took part in No Mow May, and how I plan to continue supporting wildlife in my garden.


Woman's time-saving cooking hack to peel and mash potatoes – in just one move

Mirror Online

Food expert Azure MacCannell shared a simple time-friendly hack using a household item to peel and mash potatoes in just one move – saving you precious cooking time


Mona Lisa's mysterious background decrypted by art-loving geologist

NBC News

Over 500 years after Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa, an academic believes she has unraveled the mystery about the backdrop to the painting.


Nando's Marry Me Chicken hailed 'best recipe I've ever made'

Daily Record

Nando's inspired Marry Me Chicken, anyone?


‘Housing emergency’ blamed for lack of homeless accommodation during Swift shows

The Independent

Edinburgh City Council has blamed a “housing emergency” for a lack of homeless accommodation in the city during the Taylor Swift concerts in June. The local authority said it is not removing homeless people to “make way” for fans, but rather it may struggle to book accommodation for them due to a su